FOX Facing Nearly $30 Million in Indecency Fines
Charles Glass
Huffington Post
October 20, 2009
President Barack Obama's Administration has declared from the beginning that one of its key goals is to return civility to the political arena. Over the course of nine months in office, the Obama White House has spoken to famed conservatives such as George Will and William Kristol and has displayed a new sense of openness with the White House Press Corps.
However, there have been increasing vitriolic attacks made on the White House by some in the broadcast media, especially FOXNews and other right-wing arms of the Republican Party. Some of the worst attacks come from Glenn Beck, the weepy radio host who regularly calls President Obama a "Kenyan" and once referred to former green jobs administrator Van Jones as a "monkey."
Other examples litter the FOX landscape. Bill O'Reilly's Factor is infamous for accusing the Administration of freeing pedophiles while regularly praising former President George Bush. Sean Hannity shows "government waste" on his show, often not totaling a million dollars, but is yet to criticize the $3 trillion waste better known as the Iraq War.
For all of these rabid right-wing attacks, the White House has become more cognizant of the American people. Recognizing that the American people are firmly against FOX's racist and bigoted attacks, the Administration is now directly challenging the "news" organization.
In a press release given to the Huffington Post and other press outlets this morning, White House Communications Director Anita Dunn stated that the Federal Communications Commission was asked to fine the FOX Corporation for violations of the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005. This came after repeated racist and derogatory attacks made on FOXNews over the last two years.
In accordance with the 2005 law, every time the network featured a "particularly offensive" or "flagrantly untruthful" segment, a fine is levied. White House officials estimate the 2008-2009 fine to be nearing $29 million.
While FOX, owned by NewsCorp, is likely not to go into bankruptcy over the fines, it is called a "lesson in decency" by Ms. Dunn.
Dunn stated that the White House is considering asking the FCC to revoke or suspend FOX's privilege to broadcast on cable television. This appears unlikely at the moment, due to a lack of precedent.
"We cannot allow lies so flagrantly over the airwaves." Dunn stated in the release. "It is just like the propaganda that is used by foreign dictatorships. It is bordering on un-American."
EDIT: 12:50 pm: HuffPo link down. Hmm....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Obama Administration Asks FCC to Fine Fox News
12:38 PM
Labels: Anita Dunn, Barack Obama, Fox News FCC, government, Huffington Post, Satire, White House
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This must be a joke.
Welcome to the new Venezuala, Chavez would be proud of the One.
Haha... good one.
This would only be true if they wanted a civil war. And there would be one.
WE may need to go to the street to stop Obama and his left wing radicals who are out to destroy this country. I'd rather die in the streets fights these leftist thugs than in one of their prison cells after being convicted of "racism."
Well, some dipstick posting on Huffington is a good source, NOT!!!
I've watched Glenn Beck every day since he joined that channel and at NO time did he ever say those things.
Next time you want to quote somebody about a Fox show, try somebody like Castro or Chaves. You know, somebody that is a good source,(sarc off)
IF this is true, I hope they take a closer look at the lyin' partisan clowns at MSNBC. But that's the kind of lyin' they like, so they won't.
Cannot find this on Huffington, link did not work, but going to the site and searching did not provide results either. I have a couple of other tricks to try
Total lie, Glenn Beck never calls Obama a Kenyan, he never called Van Jones a monkey. Why does the left have to make up lies about conservatives regarding racist comments but Biden, Hilary, Obama, Byrd actually says racist things ... crickets ... nothing to see here move along.
Please produce the video clips of Glenn Beck making those comments? I would love to know if he made those comments. The likelihood of anybody producing those video clips (as they don't exist) is as likely as Van Jones and Obama stating how much they love our capitalistic society and not wanting to change it.
This has got to be a snooker post, a faux Chamber of Commerce press conference version of a lefty rant.
Did you create a fake article? Ha, ha. The FCC should fine you, and you should consider yourself an insult to the conservative movement.
I guess now what is fair that the FCC find ABC, MSNBC and CNN for printing inaccuracies.
I guess now what is fair that the FCC fine stiff penalties to ABC, MSNBC and CNN for printing inaccuracies.
Dunn stated in the release. "It is just like the propaganda that is used by foreign dictatorships. It is bordering on un-American."
poetic irony...
I'm still trying to figure out the basis of these "attacks". No real examples here or anywhere. Can someone tell me what Fox has reported that is false? Waiting...
If you're not a leftie, there's something inherently evil about you:
"All rightwingers are racists. I can tell.There's no need to say anything. It's in your thoughts. If you weren't a racist, why would you be a conservate? Conservatism=Racism."
This is the template on CNN, ABC, NBC etc. Asking a conservative about racism is never done in a neutral way.
It is always: "So, Mr. Limbaugh/Beck/Hannity, etc. When did you stop being a racist?"
Didn't realize Obama had already changed the meaning of Freedom of Speech. He wasn't joking when he said that he wanted to change America. Wake up you fools!!!!
I realize that this is pure sature a la The Onion, but please, be careful. Look at the comments posted — these idiots believe the story to be true. The nut jobbers inhabiting right-wing talk radio and right-wing blogs have been out there all day flogging a similarly satirical piece regarding Obama's college thesis. Right-wingers just cannot comprehend satire. So, please, when you write a satirical piece like this, spell it out for them: T-H-I-S I-S S-A-T-T-R-E, T-H-I-S I-S N-O-T R-E-A-L!!
Check the tags, you dunderheads. It says "SATIRE."
Obama is an idiot in the Nixon sense of the term.
Wow,sounds like the Obama Administration is running scared from FOXNews. Good for FOX, hope they keep it up! As for any group lying...isn't that the top rule in the liberal playbook? Either that or they just sweep it under the rug if it's about one of their own.
So as a leftist you can say anything as long as you label it "satire". And you dare point your crooked finger at Fox News with such vicious attacks flowing from your twisted brains!
The Supreme Court of the land and any in congress *that have any balls) ought to be investigating Obama and his corrupt mobsters running this country. He is the worst excuse for a PRESIDENT this country has had in HISTORY. Wnat to investigate something. Get on Obama and his thugs case. A WHOLE LOT OF SCUM RUNNING THIS COUNTRY. Thanks for FOX NEWS FOR POINTING IT OUT ALL THE TIME. THE ONLY NEWS THAT TELLS THE DAMN TRUTH. THANK YOU FOX AND ALL THAT PARTICIPATE IN TELLING "WE THE PEOPLE" TRUTHS not lies !
You disgusting liberal trash! You guys made Rush Limbaugh look bad!
The new satire gig that progressives are doing all over the net is disgusting. Fake stories everywhere that are written to fool the reader into thinking it is a real piece. Then they say oh it's just satire. The real game is to actually trick a few into thinking that is what is going on, slowly turning their thinking that their conservative position is a loss. It is not satire it is radical progressive propoganda and it is time we start calling a spade a spade and giving it no more credit than it is due.... THIS PIECE IS NOT SATIRE, IT IS RADICAL PROGRESSIVE PROPOGANDA AND NOTHING MORE!!!!!
Give me a break... FOX NEWS is helping us find out what the Obama administration is really up to.
I am a Glenn Beck fan and believe he is honest.
He never said anything that is proposed here. However he had a UK guest who alluded to a monkey once on his program
The BO WH has become Big O WHinners
This site is awesome, just to read the comments from peope who actually take these articles seriously. Also, the rush thing was sooooo funny.
That Brit who called "someone" a monkey was in fact talking about Tony Blair! Is it racist to call a white guy a monkey? No. So might someone who doesn't think like a racist call a black guy a monkey for the same reasons he would call a white guy one (i.e. he's goofing off, got big ears, and/or randomly typing Shakespeare on infinite typewriters...)? It's possible.
I hope you have other sites like this. Rush pwning himself was hilarious but now no other pundits/comedians will use this site for their "hard hitting" news stories.
Oh, man! This is just too rich. Under no circumstances should this kind of brilliance be dumbed down just so reactionary, shadow fearing wooses who are threatened by social progress won't reveal themselves. More! MORE!!!
Do you notice how many people can't bring themselves to identify themselves in their comments?
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